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Plastic bottle packaging Pharmaceutical packaging form changing
Release time:2016/5/7 11:07:00                  Click times:1273
With the continuous development of technology and innovation, and plastic bottles in pharmaceutical packaging market in recent years has made significant progress. Due to the plastic bottle packaging products have unique advantages, drug packaging form also changing accordingly. Industry experts predict that in the next five years, the global pharmaceutical packaging market will become the second large flexible packaging of economic growth, China will become the fastest-growing region. By 2050 China will become the world's largest pharmaceutical packaging market.
With the continuous development of technology and innovation, and plastic bottles in pharmaceutical packaging market in recent years has made significant progress. Due to the plastic bottle packaging products have unique advantages, pharmaceutical packaging form is also changing, therefore, the original paper packaging, plastic packaging, bottles has developed to the present polyethylene, polypropylene, polyester bottles, aluminum strip packing and packaging, and steam cover packaging and bar composite film packaging will also become the mainstream of solid dosage form drug packaging. But at the same time, environmental protection, safety, health and other issues also will be the concern of the social from all walks of life. In order to adapt to the change of consumer consciousness of environmental protection, pharmaceutical packaging enterprises have been working on the development of "green" packaging, mainly include: reusable green packaging packaging, environmental control, high barrier packaging, aseptic packaging, antimicrobial packaging, etc.
With the continuous development of technology and innovation, and plastic bottles in pharmaceutical packaging market in recent years has made significant progress. Due to the plastic bottle packaging products have unique advantages, pharmaceutical packaging form is also changing, therefore, the original paper packaging, plastic packaging, bottles has developed to the present polyethylene, polypropylene, polyester bottles, aluminum strip packing and packaging, and steam cover packaging and bar composite film packaging will also become the mainstream of solid dosage form drug packaging. But at the same time, environmental protection, safety, health and other issues also will be the concern of the social from all walks of life. In order to adapt to the change of consumer consciousness of environmental protection, pharmaceutical packaging enterprises have been working on the development of "green" packaging, mainly include: reusable green packaging packaging, environmental control, high barrier packaging, aseptic packaging, antimicrobial packaging, etc.
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