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The compatibility of pharmaceutical packaging industry is to break through the problem
Release time:2016/5/7 11:05:34                  Click times:1227
According to relevant statistics show that in recent years, the pharmaceutical packaging industry to keep more than 10% of the average annual growth, its GDP has more than 10% of the packaging industry of the country's gross domestic product, higher than that of the pharmaceutical industry accounts for the proportion of the total industrial output value
Was reported after drug in packaging materials, is also likely to migration, infiltration, corrosion, adsorption, and many other conditions, then the quality of the drug, so compatibility study of packaging materials is the key.
Compatibility experiment was to investigate whether these occur between medicine and drug packaging materials, its aim is to guarantee the safety of drugs, effectiveness and uniformity. And on the domestic companies that research is insufficient. So the pharmaceutical packaging materials compatibility will be the work of regulators in the future on the content.
Concerned expert points out, China pharmaceutical packaging industry in the next five years will focus on developing new type, environmental protection biodegradable, use convenient pharmaceutical packaging materials and containers. According to the 2010-2013 released champ consulting China pharmaceutical packaging market analysis and strategy research report shows that due to the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry, China pharmaceutical packaging industry has basically completed its capacity expansion. However, is about to begin a new round of competition, the compatibility of medicines packaging is the primary problem of pharmaceutical packaging plant should first breakthrough in our country.
Domestic pharmaceutical packaging industry is still in the big but not strong stage, must strengthen the research and development of new materials and new technology, especially the material compatibility problem to be solved. Pharmaceutical packaging industry "twelfth five-year" plan, will take a lot of original unregulated content into the regulatory scope again, this makes the pharmaceutical enterprises must pay more attention to the compatibility of packaging material, for pharmaceutical packaging enterprise, is a rare opportunity.
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