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Medicine packaging industry to high-end realize the upgrade
Release time:2016/5/7 11:06:15                  Click times:1252
Drugs as a special commodity, its packaging like other commodity packaging, its quality can directly affect the sales of the drug, drug packaging materials as drug "second life", along with the rapid growth of China's pharmaceutical market, medicine packaging industry was also promise.
Medicine packaging material is short for direct contact with drugs packaging materials and containers, it and the packaging of drugs is made up of a complete listed drugs, to a certain extent, affects the listed drug stability in the period of validity, safety and quality.      
Compared with abroad, however, China's drug packaging materials production level is obviously at the primary stage: drug dose lack of accuracy, the lack of children's drugs packaging; Pharmaceutical packaging rough, not easy to use; On poison, hemp, liquor, put special control the packing of the drugs such as lack of security; Drug minimum packaging is too big, not suitable for the needs of the clinical use of common problems, make the drug's overall value.      
At present, China's pharmaceutical packaging materials for the pharmaceutical industry contribution rate is low: in developed countries, pharmaceutical packaging has accounted for about 30% of the medicine value, while the proportion was less than 10% of our country, the current level of 65% of China's pharmaceutical packaging still lag behind the world average in the 1980 s, considerable room for growth.  
Change in the way of China's medical system reform, the sales for pharmaceutical packaging more emphasis on easy to use and pay attention to the advertisement, strengthen the concept of packaging of materialized. And as people environmental protection consciousness to strengthen, the drugs packaging is moving toward more secure, more convenient and pollution-free direction. Under the continuous efforts of relevant departments and medicine industry, China's drug regulatory regulations and drug standards constantly improve, and gradually achieve the in line with international standards.
In new products, new drug dosage form emerge in endlessly, pharmaceutical packaging is part of the drug quality, drug firms need to high-end market, accelerating technological progress, complete an upgraded version of drug packaging materials.
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