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Pharmaceutical packaging market will continue to be the fire
Release time:2016/5/7 11:04:44                  Click times:1307
Listed on the IPO opened this year to prepare five printing companies, pharmaceutical packaging enterprises occupy the half, it is no accident!
As you all know, doing business in China by day. What day is? Policy! Now let's look at and pharmaceutical packaging ", the advocacy of the pharmaceutical industry policy of dividend.
The pharmaceutical industry policy dividend is high new health reform. Along with the advancement of new medical reform, health expenditures will be increased significantly. And drug expenses is a major part of the costs of health, a big increase in health costs will make the domestic pharmaceutical industry growing market demand.
See an official data, the national bureau of statistics statistical pharmaceutical pharmaceutical products sales revenue growth from 2001 yuan in 2001 to end at 1924.39 in 2012 to 17337.67 2012 yuan, an average annual compound growth rate of 22.12%. The Numbers very fast!
To meet the rapid growth of market demand, companies will certainly increase and form a complete set of pharmaceutical packaging materials procurement, to expand the scale of production, improve product quality. By pharmaceutical companies to provide high quality and good compatibility with drug drug packaging, pharmaceutical packaging industry able to maintain rapid development speed in a certain period of time.
Release dividend policy
Itself is not only a medicine manufacturing, pharmaceutical packaging industry policy dividend also have a good time.
In January 2012, pharmaceutical packaging materials for the first time in the pharmaceutical industry "twelfth five-year" development planning, and become the key development areas in the pharmaceutical industry transformation and upgrading. This good news to drive pharmaceutical enterprises increase investment in r&d, the pace of the drug to produce high-end packaging products.
There is also a good news, by the national development and reform commission (NDRC) is a new type of pharmaceutical packaging industry to "name", from now on to the way of "not bad money".
According to the national development and reform commission issued in February 2013, the industrial structure adjustment guidance catalogue (2011) (revised), new type of pharmaceutical packaging materials and its technology development and production was listed in the pharmaceutical industry to encourage the development of the industry, special mention of biodegradable materials in the fields of pharmaceutical packaging, avoid light, high barrier property, high permeability of functional materials, new drug delivery method of packaging; Drug packaging material without benzene ink printing process such as a period in the future as a key object support development.
An aging society
In addition to the dividend policy, drug consumption big rise in the number of "old people", as China's aging process is accelerated, medical market consumption also will get promoted, for the elderly demand of pharmaceutical packaging will also have a considerable development.
Before Mr Long yongtu said, China is now more than 60 years old, more than 200 million people, 10 years later may be more than 300 million people, will do a good job of the pension is important measures of the people's livelihood, in the development of China's economic transformation of China's macroeconomic regulation and control has had a profound impact on long-term, stable, pension, health, medicine industry will become the major industry of China to expand domestic demand development services.
Pharmaceutical packaging industry's way of play
With such good news of dolly, the pharmaceutical packaging industry development prospects in where? - specialization, scale!
You do drug packaging materials, the boss of the in the mind also know that our country medicine package industry development status is "high-pressure &high-concentration &low-viscosity", namely high speed, high consumption and low efficiency. Compared with foreign r&d investment in the pharmaceutical packaging industry in our country, independent research and development ability is weak, the quality of the high precision detection equipment and parts of high-end glue still rely on imports.
As the policy of dongfeng, increase of r&d investment in the pharmaceutical packaging industry in our country, the industry is expected to soon there will be a batch of high technical content, the larger pharmaceutical packaging enterprises. So, pharmaceutical packaging industry as a whole to large-scale development, gradually get rid of the pattern of "small scattered weak".
Say so many, to point out the sex advice.
In terms of product, you boss can try to do new medicinal drug packaging material packaging, such as PVC substitute products, which has the function of temperature memory pharmaceutical packaging materials, children's medication safety packaging, packaging form of convenience for the elderly and disabled people and materials, suitable for Chinese herbal medicine yinpian and quality requirements of packaging forms, etc.
Above countermeasures, focus on the development of new materials, product structure design, production process optimization, early one step into the "tall" team.
On the company size, if the company has good operating results, capital is abundant, can try to the road of scale, annexation of small fish, become a "big fish".
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